Lizzie Post


professional body piercer


6405 South 3000 east
Holladay UT, 84121

When you arrive at the main enterance of Sola Salon, in order to find me you'll: go down the main hall (do not turn right) there will be a little curve in the hallway. I am the third door on your left, I am located in suite 28.




$5 posts not included with any threadless tops. if you need a post, add $5 on to the total.

Lizzie is a safe, knowledgeable, professional body piercer located in Holladay, Utah. She has been actively piercing since 2021. She had worked exclusively in studios for almost three years. She has made the exciting decision to open her own business. She is extremely passionate about the art of piercing. To become a professional piercer has been her biggest life goal since 2016; she couldn't be more grateful for the vast amount of opportunities, education, and mentorship that she received to achieve this goal.Lizzie prides herself with the piercings she preforms, the collection of jewelry that is continuously growing, and the space she has created. Her space is a caring, nurturing environment while working with clients. She prioritizes: cleanliness, safe practices, active listening, understanding, and client comfortability in her studio. To achieve that comfort with clients she: asks clients if they have any questions or concerns that she can help explain, requires full consent before/during any moment during the piercing process, and explains what she's doing throughout every part of the process.Her specialty is doing ear curations. Ear curations entail: siting the client down and talking about their goals for their finished ear(s), styles, goals for amount of piercings, and what is on their piercing "no-no" list. etc. Then putting marks on each ear while thinking of ways to compliment their personal and unique anatomy. Lastly, the client and Lizzie will work together to decide on final pieces of jewelry for each piercing. Then of course, the actual piercing.


before you book

- For clients 18+ years old, you will need to provide a valid government issued ID in order to get pierced. We are legally not allowed to start any part of the process if said client cannot provide these valid, legal documents.- For clients 18 or older, birth certificates will not be accepted.- For clients under 18, you must be 14 years old or older. You are required to be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Both of you will be required to provide a valid government issued ID. The minor will be required to bring a birth certificate, in order to confirm legal guardianship.- ”Friends” of legal guardians cannot sign off for a minor to get pierced. If you happen to make this unjust decision, there can be major legal consequences on both of our parts.

after you book

-You can book your appointment through my website by pressing here, or through instagram dms @piercingsbylizzie- Do not feel shy to reach out to me with any questions/concerns. Even though many are convinced, there is no such thing as a dumb question. Every question is valid, and should to be answered.- I am able to accept cash, card, and venmo. When paying with cash, make sure to bring bills for the full amount. Please keep in mind I do not keep any extra bills or coins to create change.

after you’re pierced

- i guaranty all of my piercings! if you happen to be unhappy with the placement/anything with your piercing please reach out to me. you can tell me in person if you’re immediately unhappy with your piercing, or if you reach out within a month i will repierce you for free!- please reach out with any concerns involving your piercings. wether it’s placement, how it’s healing, what to do while healing, I am here to help your piercing heal well, and stay happy.


before touching your piercing

Ensure the space in which you are touching your piercing is clean, (wipe with clorox, lysol, etc.). Make sure the space is completely wiped and dried, (especially if a cleaning agent was used to clean your surface) before you continue with the process.Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and water; pat dry with a clean, disposable paper product before touching your piercing for absolutely any reason.

how to care for your piercing

Ear Piercings:
Lobe, Helix, Forward Helix, Flat, Tragus, Conch


All of these piercings are similar in terms of how to care for them. Clean them two times a day with a sterile saline wound wash (see below in "how to clean"). Don’t touch twist or rotate the piercings especially with dirty hands. Keep your hands clean ** any ** time you touch your piercing. Keep wet hair out of the way of the piercing to the best of your ability, keeping the piercing too wet can cause a moisture induced irritation bump. Along with hair, be extremely careful when doing generally anything to your hair (brushing, washing, towel or blow drying). It is far too easy to catch, and pull on these piercings (in your sleep, when showering, when you put on/remove clothing); be sure to downsize the posts once you start noticing room in the bar again. If you fail to downsize your posts, it will (almost always) result in extreme migration. Due to catching it, as mention in the lists above. In most cases with migration, you will likely need to retire the piercing all together, and repierce once the wound has healed.Heal time:Lobe: ~6-8 weeks
Helix: ~4-6 months
Forward Helix: ~4-6 months
Flat: ~4-6 months
Tragus: ~4-6 months
Conch: ~4-6 months

Ear Piercing:
Industrial, Daith, Rook


Clean your piercings two times a day with a sterile saline wound wash (see below in "how to clean"). Don’t touch twist or rotate the piercings especially with dirty hands. Keep your hands clean ** any ** time you touch your piercing. These ear piercings are a little bit more difficult to take care of, and have a longer heal time than the other ear piercings listed above. These piercings will get more “crusty” than others, so it may be more tempting to play around with the piercing. As stated in the “how to clean” section, refrain from touching your piercings. You will notice that industrials, daiths, or rooks will all create little hideouts for dead skin, or shower products to get stuck in. The best way to wash away this buildup is to rinse the piercings well while in the shower. Letting water hit those areas will help dissolve crusties that are ready to come off, wash away any products (shampoo, conditioner, etc), and wash away the dead skin. If cleaning your ear in the shower isn’t viable for you, you can do saline soaks. Saline soaks are very easy to do: you’ll put a sterile saline into a small bowl, microwave the bowl in 5 second intervals until the water is warm not hot, from there you put your ear into the bowl for around 5 minutes, take the ear out, and wipe with a sterile gauze pad. Saline soaks and rinsing in the shower are extremely important tasks to keep these piercings clean.
These piercings do take longer to heal than other ear piercings.
Heal time:Industrials: ~9-12 months
Daiths: ~ 6-9 months
Rooks: ~6-9 months

Lip Piercings

You will need to clean these piercings at least two times a day. You will clean the other portion of the piercing as listed below in "how to clean"). Cleaning the inner portion of the mouth is a little different- it is recommended that you rinse your mouth with a non-alcoholic mouth wash every time you eat, or drink anything other than water. Some will put their nonalcoholic mouthwash into a small water bottle so they can carry it around with them. Oral health is very important. Brush your teeth once in the morning and once at night, as recommended by dentists. Be extremely cautious around the piercing when brushing your teeth. You will get used to it, but for the first while, make sure you’re being gentle.Lip piercings are fairly easy to heal. The main parts you have to look out for are downsizing, and oral health. Once you get your piercing, it is recommended to wait at least a month before smoking, or consuming any alcoholic beverages. Regular dental check-ups are also a must. All oral piercings have the possibility of harming your teeth and gums if not taken care of properly.Downsizing is extremely important with any oral piercing. You will be pierced with a fairly long piece to guarantee room for swelling because of how much lips swell. Think of when you bite your lip, it gets really swollen for a little bit, then goes down. Bites will heal faster than a piercing, but that’s because we are putting a needle and jewelry all the way through the lip. This will cause the swelling to last significantly longer than just a little bite. So when your swelling goes down, the likelihood of you biting your jewelry skyrockets. Long pieces are also more likely to rub against your gums, (causing recession) or be bit down on (causing chipping or breaking of a tooth).Heal times for lip piercings are nice and short compared to other piercings.Heal time:Labret: ~2-4 months
Vertical Labret: ~2-6 months
Philtrum: ~2-4 months
Vertical Philtrum: ~2-6 months
Monroe/Madonna: ~2-4 months
Ashley: ~2-4 months
Snake Bites: ~3-6 months
Angel Bites: ~3-6 months
Angel Fangs: ~3-6 months

Facial Piercings:
Nostril, Septum, Eyebrow, Bridge

Clean your piercings two times a day with a sterile saline wound wash (see below in "how to clean"). Don’t touch twist or rotate the piercings especially with dirty hands. Keep your hands clean ** any ** time you touch your piercing. It is important you keep your skin clean during the healing of these piercings. It’s is recommended to refrain wearing makeup for the first month of healing. After that month, it is important to wash your makeup off very well at the end of each day. Keep in mind you’ll have a brand new piercing on your face, so it is important to wash your face very carefully as to not hit your piercing.It is very important to not dry your face with a hand/bath towel. Towels have little fibers that are there to help dry more effectively; however, these fibers are extremely likely to catch your new piercing when drying your face. Using a gauze pad or clean, disposable paper product are your best options for drying.When performing skin care, make sure your products are all gentle on the skin. Using any harsh products on your face can cause severe irritation. The more simple the product, the better. Think of this piercing as an open scab, it is best to refrain from using: acids, exfoliants, alcohol, acne spot treatment, etc.Facial piercings heal quite quickly. As long as you remember to keep your hands and harmful products away them.Heal time:Nostril: ~2-6 months
Septum: ~2-4 months
Eyebrow: ~3-4 months
Bridge: ~ 3-4 months

Navel, Nipple

Clean your piercings two times a day with a sterile saline wound wash (see below in "how to clean"). Don’t touch twist or rotate the piercings especially with dirty hands. Keep your hands clean ** any ** time you touch your piercing. Both of these piercings are very unfortunately placed in terms of clothing. Sports bras can help nipple piercings stay in place and not get rubbed on. Other than that, it is best to wear loose fitted clothing items. Keep your clothes clean, and away from the piercing as best as possible.Avoid bodies of water: baths, hot tubs, pools, lakes, rivers, anywhere that might bring in harmful bacteria. All of which can cause bacteria to get inside of your piercing canal, causing irritation and infection.Both of these piercings are very “leaky.” They will have quite a lot of fluid drainage, which in turn, means they get more crusty. The leaking and crusties are nothing to worry about, it is all a normal part of the healing process.Heal time:Navel: ~6-12 months
Nipple: ~12+ months

how to clean

Use a sterile saline wound wash as needed during healing (neilmed is my favorite). Cleaning twice a day is preferred. Do not use any alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, or any other harsh cleaning agents on your fresh piercing. They are far too harsh for your healing body, and will dry out and irritate your any type of wound you put it on (piercings!!). For certain placements it may be easier to clean using sterile gauze saturated with the saline solution. A brief rinse with the saline afterward will remove any residue. It is not recommended to use q-tips while cleaning your piercing, as the fibers can get caught on the jewelry/in your piercing canal causing irritation (and in some cases, infection) Avoid using harsh soaps, soaps with dyes, fragrances, or triclosan.
Refrain from touching your piercing at all, it may be “satisfying” to pick crusties off, but it is as if you are peeling a scab off over and over again. When you peel scabs off of your body over and over again, you create scars. A piercing will react in the exact same way. The crusties form to keep any foreign objects from entering the wound. Removing them when cleaning with saline or in the shower is okay because they will have been loose, and will set themselves free; however, picking them will cause nothing but harm to your piercing.

after cleaning

Dry by gently patting with a sterile gauze pad, or other clean disposable paper products. Cloth towels can harbor bacteria and snag on jewelry, causing injury. You also have the option to let your piercing drip dry after cleaning.


It is crucial you downsize your jewelry. Downsize times may vary from person to person; when you start noticing room in the jewelry after initial your initial swelling goes down, you’re ready to downsize. if you fail to downsize, irritation is very likely to occur due to the long jewelry.Failure to downsize your jewelry can cause migration, irritation bumps, and general irritation.

normal aspects of healing

INITIALLY: some bleeding, localized swelling, tenderness, or bruising are all completely normal, and nothing to be frightened of. If your piercing happens to swell more than your jewelry allows, come back in as soon as possible, and I will upsize the bar with a free service fee (you will still have to pay for the $5 post).DURING HEALING: it is completely normal to have some discoloration, itching, and the secretion of a whitish-yellow fluid: this fluid will form some “crusties” on the jewelry. the tissue may tighten around the jewelry as it heals.ONCE HEALED: if you fail to include cleaning your piercing as part of your daily hygiene routine, a normal, but smelly bodily secretions may accumulate. however it is still normal for “crusties” form even after the piercing is healed. cleaning your piercings frequently will help prevent both of these things from happening.***a piercing may appear healed before the healing process is complete. it unfortunately will be healed fully, this is because tissue heals from the outside in, and although it feels fine, the interior remains fragile. be patient and continue cleaning throughout the entire healing period. even healed piercings can shrink or close in minutes. this varies from person to person; if you like your piercing, keep jewelry in do not leave it empty.


ear piercings

facial piercings

body piercings